Wednesday, 22 March 2017

My Special Place

3.delicious food

1 shops
In my special place there is lots and lots of shops because in my special place there is heaps of people in a small country. In the shops there is lots of fancy dresses, on them the is heaps of gems, sequins, glitter, sparkle  they are also really colorful, silky and really long.There was heaps of pretty dresses in blue, pink, white, golden, violet and  purple. My favorite one was the one with heaps of  and white glitter, pink silky fabric and  pink and white gems on them, it was really long to.       
In my special place the weather was really really hot even with the fan on full speed. It was really hot because there was heaps of people in a small country, so it would be really crowded and hot. It is still hot in winter like in 25 degrees but there is different cities so they have different weather, like in Gram it can be 0 to 10 degrees. I also think that the weather can be hot at afternoon but cold again at night. In the morning it is also sometimes hot in gram but it is mostly cold in the morning because it's more chances for it to be cold as ice cream in Gram.
3.delicious food
 The food is super yummy  but i'm not allowed some  meats like pork, ham and bacon, but the food I like the most  is the spices, cheese pizza, And veggies. I like spices because i've been eating my mum's spicy food ever since i was 1 year old. I also like veggies because they are healthy, tasty, flavory and dishes. I love cheese pizza because i like cheese and i love pizza, the cheese is ozzy as slime             

I especially love spending time with my family because i can use up my time.It is always fun playing with my family like my cousins, some of my cousins names are Rakin, Abbet, Tanesha, Afra, Afea, rahat, he was cheeky as a little mouse skittering around and jesen  was chubby as a bunny. I have heaps of uncles, aunts and cousins i have got my grand parents to. Me and my cousins play mostly outside on a nice day but when i was there it was really cold on the morning but hot enough straight after lunch. My aunts my uncles and my grandparents were watching tv with me when my cousins were a bit busy.

Written by Mennat.